*Mod. 1: Corregir errores de las siguientes frases:
1. She goes to work?
2. Does John and Sarah play tennis?
3. When do your sister finish work?
4. What time you start work?
5. What do Sheila does?
6. Eli and Mark doesn't work in a hospital.
7. Does where she live?
8. Luisa haves lunch at 3 o'clock.
También deberán pensar como podría ser un día en la vida de Victoria Beckham o Belén Esteban. Usa los adverbios de frecuencia y otras expresiones de tiempo unidas al presente simple.
Por último hay un speaking topic: pros and cons for working as a teacher.
*Mod. 3: do you like rules and regulations in your block/ community? What do you think about them in general?
*Mod. 6: do you enjoy going to art galleries or museums? Why/ why not? Why do people think that art galleries and museums are boring?
jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014
Actividad para mod. 6
*This actity is optional. You have an e-mail and some questions. It can help you to work on politeness, first impressions and negative criticism. Surprisingly the email is real- from a friend of mine! Believe it or not, I'm not the sender of the email! Hope you enjoy it!
“Maybe you didn't receive my e-mail,
so here it is again:
Suzanne, I'm emailing you so you'll
stop calling me. You've really annoyed me. I told you that Saturday
and Sunday were two days that were simply impossible for us to meet.
I have very little time with my friends, and it is sacred. Sunday
with my family even more so.
I skipped my friend's engagement party
to be with you on Friday and I thought that we could have a dignified
farewell on Saturday morning.
For you to even suggest that we meet
after all that I confided in you was wrong. You were putting me under
a pressure I didn't deserve. It's a pity, because I thought we had
had a nice few days.
Such is life! Please respect my
request. I wish you well.
You have no idea what I'm going through
with my family right now. Have you no dignity? Please, leave me
- Read the text and translate it into Spanish.
- Describe the kind of man and woman reflected in the text.
- What might have happened before this email, in your opinion?
- What is the problem with the man's family?
- Underline polite and impolite expressions.
- What would you tell him if you were Suzy and wrote an e-mail back to him?
“You can be absolutely calm that I'm
not going to call again, of course, to be true, it is you who are
being too strong on your words. If I have something, it is dignity. I
was trying to know from you; in fact, I was very worried about your
family, since you had told me about the seriousness of your father,
and in fact, since I hadn't heard from you, I thought that perhaps
just worry about your father, and his not feeling worse.
With respect to your weekend, I didn't
have the intention to disturb you or cause any inconvenience. I have
never disturbed anyone in my life, not even you. I thought that, if
there was no problem, it would not have been a remote or weird idea
to meet, but of course, with any intention, I insist, to disturb you.
With respect to Sunday, I thought the
same, again. I thought, if your family commitments didn't absorb you
so long, we could have met. My insistence was just for suggesting,
and in fact, once you wrote “I'll call you later” I didn't call
again in the rest of the day, as you could see.
You should remember that I insisted to
accompany you to your friends' party, and it was you who decided to
put it off, so please don't blame on me for not going. Perhaps the
best would have been just to put off our meeting, and perhaps now you
wouldn't blame so much on me. Since you don't know me, my family and
friends are also very important for me, and I also care for them too
much, like you.
The last thing that I'm going to tell
your is that if perhaps you just had answered a single sms, just to
say that everything so ok, buy forever, forgive me, everything would
have just been different. It is just a question of politeness and
correctness to answer to a person who is showing true interest in
you. In this case, it was precisely worry about your father. But
instead, you have just piled lots of messages of mine, and after that
you have the courage to insult me and talk to me in such an agressive
tone, which is unacceptable by me. You should know that, perhaps, and
unlike you, those days were very important for me and that is why
seeing you again had been so important for me.
Let me tell you that you may think of
me that I have no dignity, but I will tell you that you have no idea
the kind of sensitive person that I am, because while you were
avoiding my calls, and insulting me mentally, I was just worried
about you and your father.
I advise to learn how to treat a
sensitive woman, and you should talk to her in a kinder, softer way.
Let me tell you that you have hurt me, disappointed me and shown me
things that I hadn't expected from you at all”.
Tarea de la semana
-También deberán hablar sobre el siguiente tema: A DAY IN MY LIFE (hablar de las rutinas en tu vida diaria, que es lo que haces en un dia normal de tu vida).
*Mod. 3: What clothes do you usually wear in summer? Why? Are designer brands/ clothes better than no brand clothing? Why/ why not?
*Mod. 6: Do you judge people by their appearances? How can you deal with negative criticism, when people talk about bad first impressions on you?
-También deberán hablar sobre el siguiente tema: A DAY IN MY LIFE (hablar de las rutinas en tu vida diaria, que es lo que haces en un dia normal de tu vida).
*Mod. 3: What clothes do you usually wear in summer? Why? Are designer brands/ clothes better than no brand clothing? Why/ why not?
*Mod. 6: Do you judge people by their appearances? How can you deal with negative criticism, when people talk about bad first impressions on you?
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014
Calendario exámenes diciembre- enero
THAT'S ENGLISH 2014/ 2015
*Recuperación mod. 5: MIÉRCOLES 17 DICIEMBRE 2014, de 17:30 a 19:00 (parte escrita); caso de aprobar la parte escrita, el alumnado realizará el examen oral a continuación, por indicación del tutor.
*Mod. 3: JUEVES 8 ENERO 2015, de 17:30 a 19:00 (parte escrita); caso de aprobar la parte escrita, el alumnado realizará el examen oral a continuación, por indicación del tutor.
*Mod. 6: JUEVES 8 ENERO 2015, de 17:00 a 18:45 (parte escrita); caso de aprobar la parte escrita, el alumnado realizará el examen oral a continuación, por indicación del tutor.
*Recuperación mod. 5: MIÉRCOLES 17 DICIEMBRE 2014, de 17:30 a 19:00 (parte escrita); caso de aprobar la parte escrita, el alumnado realizará el examen oral a continuación, por indicación del tutor.
*Mod. 3: JUEVES 8 ENERO 2015, de 17:30 a 19:00 (parte escrita); caso de aprobar la parte escrita, el alumnado realizará el examen oral a continuación, por indicación del tutor.
*Mod. 6: JUEVES 8 ENERO 2015, de 17:00 a 18:45 (parte escrita); caso de aprobar la parte escrita, el alumnado realizará el examen oral a continuación, por indicación del tutor.
jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014
Tarea de la semana
*Mod. 1: repasar "to be" y "have got" y hacer presentación de su familia (nombre, edad, descripción físca, miembro de la familia).
*Mod. 3: what are the advantages and disadvantages of booking online? What do you like doing when you are on holiday?
*Mod. 6: what are the best city breaks in Spain for you? Why? Is Spain a good destination on holidays? Why/ why not?
*Mod. 3: what are the advantages and disadvantages of booking online? What do you like doing when you are on holiday?
*Mod. 6: what are the best city breaks in Spain for you? Why? Is Spain a good destination on holidays? Why/ why not?
jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014
Tarea de la semana
*Mod. 1: repasar los contenidos gramaticales y vocabulario de la unidad 1 para hacer unas actividades en la próxima tutoría.
*Mod. 3: speaking topic- do you have a healthy life? What do you do to when you feel ill? Any tips to give up smoking?
*Mod. 6: speaking topic- advantages and disadvantages of ebooks. Do you prefer books or ebooks? Why?
*Mod. 3: speaking topic- do you have a healthy life? What do you do to when you feel ill? Any tips to give up smoking?
*Mod. 6: speaking topic- advantages and disadvantages of ebooks. Do you prefer books or ebooks? Why?
martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014
Tarea de la semana
Morning, perdón por el retraso en colgar los topics y tareas!
*Mod. 1: presentación personal, con la mayor información posible. También el alumnado tendrá que presentarse con la información de otra persona.
*Mod. 3: a speaking topic- do you remember your first kiss? Who? When? Where? What happened? How did you feel before and after it? Happy or unhappy ending? Try to use the grammar and vocabulary from unit 2.
*Mod. 6: a speaking topic- are you in favour or against alternative therapies? What are the advantanges and disadvantages of alternative therapies? Try to use the grammar and vocabulary from unit 1.
*Mod. 1: presentación personal, con la mayor información posible. También el alumnado tendrá que presentarse con la información de otra persona.
*Mod. 3: a speaking topic- do you remember your first kiss? Who? When? Where? What happened? How did you feel before and after it? Happy or unhappy ending? Try to use the grammar and vocabulary from unit 2.
*Mod. 6: a speaking topic- are you in favour or against alternative therapies? What are the advantanges and disadvantages of alternative therapies? Try to use the grammar and vocabulary from unit 1.
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